Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hixson Seminar Blog #1

There are few times in a person's life when they look back on it and say "I will remember that forever."  A time when I did my best? Well obviously that would be at the Hixson Retreat! I struggled and persevered and all my hard work amounted to a solid last place finish. It was a great time and I learned a lot from the experience.

Despite the fact that our team came in dead last, I left Camp Hantesa elated with the feeling that I gave 100% and got to know some really interesting fellow Hixsons. When we got destroyed in Tug-of-War I felt amazing knowing I tried as hard as I could.

When we got crushed in Holy Bucket I felt joyous knowing I splashed all that water on myself in an effort to help our team win. Space Crunch was a great way to get to know some fellow peers in a relaxing and comfortable environment. The sweat and blood I spilled doing that puzzle made me realize how gratifying it is to go above and beyond what is expected. And getting 7th place in knockout put the top on a fantastic day!

Of course I can translate this experience and this "best" feeling to my first semester of college. Whenever I get an F on a test, I can feel great knowing how hard I tried. Whenever I miss a bus, I know that I should give myself a pat on the back for running after it as it speeds away. And every time I get woken up in the middle of the night because a bunch of people are partying in the hallway, I can smile to myself knowing that I am making the ultimate effort here at Iowa State University.

I learned a lot from this experience. I learned how to be supportive in the face of adversity. I learned to cheer my team on as we were recognized for being the ones with the fewest points. But above all, I learned that I am an eternal optimist. And I learned I am extremely sarcastic.


  1. Brad,

    Good blog post, although the tone seems a bit grim. I hope there are no hard feelings towards the retreat or the Hixson program at all!

  2. It's always great knowing that you tried your hardest even when you come in last. It is also nice when you can look back at past experiences, like the Hixson Retreat, and remember the feelings you had when you're having a rough time. Always keep your head up!

  3. Well, good to know you have such a great sense of humor. And it's also good to know that you seem to always try your best, unless that was sarcasm as well.

  4. Brad, I like your outlook on the bright side. A great thing to accompany that is ambition to even better next time. (i.e. failing a test, next time studying harder and getting help to do better.)

  5. Well even though we did not come out on top, I am glad to know that you along with the rest of us tried our hardest and managed not to have that bad of a time.

  6. I'm not sure if everyone got this but it's funny, good job.
